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Welcome To The Show Turns 1 Month Old

It's me. Ya boy. Buttercup.

I'd like to thank the people that support me on Twitch, Patreon, and anywhere else. Thank you to those that follow me on social media, and those of you that follow up through my website. Thank you to everyone reading this blog post, and finally-

Thank you for listening to "Welcome To The Show".

Album Artwork by: @JOSHIN_HTX

The atmosphere for recording the new album was completely unideal. The equipment on hand for recording and producing was cheap and scarce. My mental health has been a wild swinging of highs and lows. I lost my voice for 2 months due to long covid, I lost energy and drive due to working full time and commuting an hour to/an hour from work. That sounds bad, but it actually worked out pretty well.

The atmosphere not being ideal led to me making it ideal, and changing my living space around for a better feel. Cheap gear led to getting creative and experimental when recording, mixing, and mastering. Losing my voice for 2 months led to me writing the instrumental interlude dedicated to my mom, and the commute turned into listening sessions to figure out sound levels, and what needed to be addressed in the coming mixing session.

This album was started shortly after "All I Am" was released in 2018, by first recording the title track "Welcome To The Show". Then it was suddenly put on hold as Galen and I started touring. Then it went back into production mid 2019, with the recording of "A Little Less Hoppus, A Little More Wentz". Then once again put on pause due to my moving to Long Beach, California.

Top 5 Streamed Songs From "Welcome To The Show" For Month 1

Along the way there were several hiccups, restarts, and bouts of frustration. To my surprise, whenever things seemed bleak or unsalvageable I was encouraged by others to push forward. For that, I truly am grateful.

I am by no means mainstream, well known, or what some would call "a household name". Which is why this entire experience is life changing for me. To some it may just seem to be a musical project by a smalltime musician which only garnered plays in the low thousands for the first month.

That is what it is though right? I'm a smalltime musician still trying to find his way in the musical world, and in the first month it sits in the low thousands for streams.

Thousands. No matter how you try to spin this to me, that word sticks out.


Only reporting statistics from one platform, Hundreds of people listened, and after their first listen they came back and listened again. They shared with their friends, used the songs in their instagram stories, and in most cases contacted me on all forms of social media to let me know their thoughts.

Top 15 Countries: Month 1

Top 14 Cities: Month 1

I've been asked by people when I would grow up. I've been told that my only value when making music revolves around shock factor and comedy. I've been told a ton of things, and none of it is new. None of it phases me anymore, as I truly just love creating music. More importantly I love creating music for myself. The more I listen to the album, the more I can tell how much of my own experience is being told through each track. Though it's not all jokes, or shocking material- you wonderful people listened to my stories and trials. You heard the messages, and came back again and again.

Over 3.5 thousand times, and continuing to grow.

I am forever thankful. I know to many this will seem like one small thing, but to me it's the last piece in closing a tough chapter in my life. It was the last piece of me that needed to be completed so I can move forward. As silly as it sounds, i truly mean it.

I'm excited to perform live again, and I'm practicing as much as I can to be prepared for the stage. I'll be looking for another musician to play with me, so I'll be doing auditions. If you're interested please DM on any of my social media, or use the contact box on my website.

I'm getting out merch as fast as I can but it'll take a little more time. The designs are done, I just need to save up to get the initial stock made. I know quite a few of you have messaged me about it, and it warms my heart. I'll announce it as soon as it's all ready.

Thank you all again. For your support, your time, and your care.

Until next time.

Kyle (BuhDihKuh) Arneson

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