The Sounds, The Shirts, and The Spooky
Hello and Happy October!
It's that time of year where us Californians sit by the pool and watch other places get colder via the internet. It's also time for some spooky updates that may just send shivers down your spine!

For the month of October, for every 10 subscriptions on Twitch I will do another costume stream! So far I've been Finn from Adventure Time, a Cow, and a Pumpkin!
Speaking of Sub goals, we have also enabled shirts that will be for sale for a limited time! they will be up and ready for purchase on Friday, October 16th!
IMPORTANT: To make the shirts as cheap as I can, I will make absolutely no profit from them. If you are amazing enough to purchase one please be sure to post it on Twitter/Instagram/etc and tag me in it! If you're still inclined to support the channel, you can always sub, use bits, or donos on Twitch as always <3
Speaking of Friday October 16th, Starting at Midnight I'll be doing a 24 hour stream, some come hang out, and watch some fun stuff as I tire myself out over the course of an entire day!
In music news, I've begun the production of my next album. I will do my best to have it up as soon as I can, but will make sure not to rush anything at the same time. I want the best product I can make for you, and I refuse to cut corners. That said, it's being recorded in an apartment with limited gear, so its gonna need some love.
I'll be uploading my Blair witch play through to my Gaming YouTube, and try to acknowledge it, as well as my Music YouTube's existence more than I have in the past. I say this every time, but I probably mean it this time.
If not then I'll totally mean it in the next blog post.
My schedule still remains to start each day on Twitch at 5:30 PM PST, but I'm going to be giving myself Sundays off now as well as my usual Mondays off. It's time I let myself get some rest for once! Woo! Rest!
Be sure to follow me on Twitter, sub to my Gaming and Music YouTube channels, and hang out with me on Twitch! We have a great month of horror games, costumes, and all around spooky times.
Thank you for reading, thank you for supporting, and thank you for your time. Without you, I wouldn't be shit. <3
Kyle (BuhDihKuh) Arneson