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Reddit, Patreon Early Access, and More

It's been a while but man 2021 has been going full force! I hope that you all are staying true to your New Years Resolutions, and for those of you that already broke theirs, I'm sure that it was totally worth it!

Last weekend we kicked off the Patreon by gaining its first 3 Patrons. I have a very special place in my heart for them and now I am creating exclusive / early access content specifically for it. The first content that is being posted is each individual raw recorded track from my first album Zombie Pirate and Princess Entangled circa 2011

The Patreon will be a big move forward with content creation and production. I'm also currently going through a big personal life changes, and will have to move by April. So if you would like to support the Patreon to keep me able to create content/not be homeless- I would really appreciate it!

I'm still behind on some commission projects. I really owe Joshin his commission, so since I am so late here is a shout out to him for his patience and understanding.

Reddit Public Access Network is a thing, and I am loving it. I've been streaming full music sets on my reddit profile everyday now before I stream on Twitch.

You can find me streaming in r/redditsessions or follow my profile for for reddit pushnotifications on when I go live!

It's been a great time, and I'm meeting so many new people. One main question I get is when I will be traveling to perform, when my next shows will be, etc. The only answer I can give is that depends on the growth of the Patreon - the more this grows, the more freedom I will have to create content, and get out on the road to perform.

Lastly, I'm still on Twitch everyday as well. be sure to visit there, and hang out in chat! you can support with bits, subs, or just by following and viewing. I want to push for partner later this year. I believe 2021 will be the year for BuhDihKuh!

Thanks for reading, supporting, and having such a great ass.


Kyle (BuhDihKuh) Arneson


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