Tour Stories, Album Release Date, and The Pursuit of Never Giving Up.
Sup Buttercups-
I've been under the radar trying to get my life in order (and I assume that the rest of the world has been doing the same)! We went on our second tour, and as per usual we had a wonderful time. We met some great people, played our songs about butts and butt themed adventures, and drank our weight in shitty rail booze.

We're getting ready for a hidden type festival in the northern hinterlands of the midwest, as well as the album release show.
I guess since the weather is getting warm I can no longer keep this album to myself, and so I am (loosely) settling on a release date of June 9th 2018. This means I'm in the process of finding a Minneapolis venue that's willing to host the gritty folk punk stylings of BuhDihKuh and Gayydog (Galen for short).
I'm proud. I really am. Which is what makes it so hard to actually release the album, as I just want to hold on to it for as long as I possibly can. But holding it from everyone else, is just something that I can no longer do. So get ready for the itunes/spotify/butt tattoo/etc release of my 3rd ever album - "All I Am".
We've had requests to come play in the North East, as well as the South East (essentially the east coast). But our broke asses haven't put together a complete plan to get out there... yet (we're working on it)!
I've been streaming a lot on Twitch, and if you ever want to come hang out with me there and shoot me questions in real time I'm always happy to oblige. I also play guitar on stream sometimes as well.
To this day, people love our live, broken, and strangely timed cover of Wagon Wheel, so now we've begun trying to get at studio quality version recorded for youtube. I'll be uploading a fun a video of Galen & I performing one of his songs "7 Years" later today or tomorrow.
If you happen to be a cool person residing near the twin cities, I'll be holding my third edition of my event "Acoustic Booty". Which is a hell of a good time I swear. Acoustic folk punk, pretty sounding singer songwriters, and booze-a-plenty. Thing is, because it's always a private hosted event (I'm not sure it's ready to take on a venue but who knows) it does fall under the rules of invite only.
Everyone from the tour we met was kind and helpful. We did have a show cancel on us which was a total bummer (it left us in a pile of wasted time and money).
We actually ran out of CD's so fast that each day we had to post up in a coffee shop to make more ghetto burnt copies (which truly are the best kind imo)!
Stay happy, stay positive, and remember that without any of you, I'd have no reason to pursue my dreams at all.
I need to go pick up my truck from the shop now, so I'll be in touch soon. Thanks for everything, and I can't wait for what the future has to hold!
Kyle (BuhDihKuh) Arneson